Viyo Recuperation Cat Display 150ml (12 units)
Viyo is a break through in recuperation therapy of cats and dogs.
Recuperation is completed in 2 phases.
The first phase (first 24-48 hours) in recuperation is all about eating and drinking as soon as possible after illness or surgery (2 hours), and to stimulate the gut functioning (immune function stimulation, intake of water, and supplementing an extra amount on those nutrients that have proven to be important to recuperate: glutamine, arginine, taurine and omega 3 fatty acids). Feed the gut !
There is no risk in vomiting, even after surgery.
Some of these recuperation nutrients are strongly depleted under any catabolic stress situation, especially glutamine as being the most important recuperation nutrient for animals. The animal will not synthesize enough of those recuperation nutrients under any stress situation and a supplementation is a must, to help the animal recuperate in an optimal way. On top, wound healing will also benefit from those recuperation nutrients, such as glutamine and arginine.
Phase two focuses mainly on the intake of energy. This must be started no later than on day 3 in the recuperation period of the animal.
Because of its high palatability and complete formulation, this recuperation fluid will have an optimal result if provided next to the daily diet, and this during 14 consecutive days by the pet owner to their animal, at home