Colostrum Densimeter & Cylinder
Evaluating lgG contents in Bovine Colostrum
The battle against failure of passive transfer (FPT) involves feeding the calves a quantity of colstrum of a good quality, shortly after calving.
A way of measuring the qulity of the colostrum is by usingthe Colostrum Densimeter.
Using this method yo will get a qualitative estimate of the colostrum quality. The Densimeter measures the specific gravity of the colostrum quality. Then Densimeter measures the specific gravity of the colostrum. The specific gravity is influenced by the contents of the immunoglobulins in the colostrum.
Fill the cylinder with colostrum.
Allow it to cool to 20 ° C.
Let the densimeter, without contact with the cylinder wall, in colostrum float.
Results:Red zone is poor.
Light Green area is moderate.
Dark green is good.